Monday 28 April 2014


This term we start blogging! Over the first few weeks of the term you will learn how to post, comment, add widgets, change your template, embed, link and a whole range of other things. Make sure you check this video out to make sure you understand what a blog is as the first big question we need to answer is -

Speech Criteria 2014

Southwell School Speech Competition – Marking Criteria

Name:          Topic: Time:
Marks 1-5
Speaks with expression
Projects voice, appropriate volume
Speaks at appropriate pace, pauses appropriately
Speaks with confidence
Makes eye contact with audience
Uses gestures appropriately
Suitable body language and stance
Point of difference (‘X’ Factor)
Marks 1-10
Appropriate structure for topic and genre
Appropriate ordering and linking of ideas
Marks 1-10
Shows good knowledge of theme
Appeals to audience
Total out of 80

Tuesday 8 April 2014

Pre Writing

In class we are taking a close look at the 'Writing Process' and what we do at each stage. At the moment we are looking at the 'pre-writing' stage and what we do. Today we have had some good debate over the order of things we need to know before we can write. Do we need to know who the audience is before we write or do we need to know the purpose? Some interesting points of views were shared by several students and we still couldn't come to an agreement! But that is what makes learning fun, what works for one, might not work for another.

Next we are looking at planning - and different planning tools we can use to make drafting that much easier. Here is a link to a site you ALL need to bookmark as it has some fantastic interactive planners on, that when used correctly, will make drafting easy.

Stay tuned as we continue to make our way through the writing process.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

Digital Dossier

This week we are starting the second part of our Well-Being unit and have started looking into Digital Citizenship. We will be covering many things over the last 2 weeks of term one and first 2 weeks of next term. Today we looked at what a 'Digital Dossier' was and wrote some questions we thought of when watching.