Friday 20 May 2016


8GMc were hard at work in the technology room today making products to sell at the upcoming Market Day. They will be selling their products to keen year 5/6/7 pupils who will each get $25 Southwell money to spend. Some products are coming along nicely - others will hopefully get there in the end. Stay tuned as we are currently looking into advertising and I will be sharing their adverts/posters as they are completed. 

Monday 16 May 2016

8GMc Drama

In drama 8GMc are working on their Grease production. In the video below you will see what they are up to and possibly be presently surprised by the amount of co-ordination by the majority of the class. Can't wait to see the finished product at the end of the term!!!

Friday 6 May 2016

da Vinci Mechanics Museum Trip

On Tuesday we headed off to the Hamilton Museum to explore the da Vinci Mechanics exhibition to set us up for our innovation topic this term. We saw some amazing inventions and art and found out that da Vinci was one brilliant person. It makes you wonder if he was alive now what he could come up with.